Month: December 2022

Summer Learning Journey- My Curiosity rover

Today, I did an activity on the Summer Learning Journey.

I liked the activity because it was about my favourite thing, Space!

We got to design our own curiosity rover for exploring Mars.

Mine looks just like a normal rover.

It’s called Marcy!

It has solar Panels and it charges its battery from the sunlight.

It has wheels and camera lense.

What will your rover be called?

Summer Learning Journey- One line drawing

This week, I did a one line drawing activity on Summer learning Journey.

A one line drawing is a type of drawing that uses one line to connect all the shapes. I did a portrait of Cleopatra on a piece of paper.

I used 3 colours- Yellow, Green and Black.

I hope you like it!

What will your one line drawing be?



This year 2022, we did a lot of things at school.

We learned swimming at QE II, we did our Jonah Production and we went to Jellie Park. Personally, I went to Lake tekapo and did hiking there.

We did a padlet about what we did this year. Below

I loved this year because we did lots of fun activities (we missed camp) but still it was fun.

I ´ m really excited for Christmas and next year!

What did you do this year?