Awesome Duffy Books📚

Today, a special guest came to our School!

Ray Bishop, he is a singer and came to our school as a duffy role model.

He talked about how dreams can come true and we can learn many things from books.  He sang a song for us and it was amazing! It’s called  ”Nothing is Impossible”.   Here is a link about the song. Click

This is the other song that I liked.

I got a graphic novel and a chapter book.

The books have been given by the government and the Avonhead Rotary.

Here is me reading the book.

I love reading!

Thank you to the government, the Avonhead Rotary and Ray!


One thought on “Awesome Duffy Books📚

  1. Hi Stella,
    I like the graphic novel that you are reading. The pictures looked good from the photo. I enjoy reading books and novels too. What is your favourite novel you have read?