Month: November 2022

Food for thought

For the last 3 days,  Karli from food for thought came to our school and taught us about food and  we learned how to look at food labels and on the last day, we went to the Pak’n save to look at the foods and at the end we got a $60 Voucher for the class!

We learned that we have to look at the sugar and the fat to see if the food is healthy.

I really enjoyed learning with Karli and we had so much fun for the last 3 days!



This week, we have been learning how to be hopeful and we watched a video and our task was to write what being hopeful means to us.

I think being hopeful is something that we want or something that we hope for.

Like if we are in a war, we hope that the war would end.

I think we can be hopeful by praying to God and sharing what we are hopeful to other people.

In the bible being hopeful means…

I liked this Sentence about being hopeful.(Below)


What do you think being hopeful means?














Math- problem Solving

For the last two days we have been doing how to solve problems in different ways.

Here is one of the problems I solved.

  1. 66+68+26=160 (By algorithm)
  2. 66-70 , 68-70, 26-30 , 70+70=140+30=170, 170-10=160.

What other ways can we solve the questions?

NZ Poster

This week in reading, we have been learning about New Zealand and what things to do in New Zealand so one of our tasks was to make a poster that advertise New Zealand.

Here is my work.

What would you do?