Saving the dunes!

Today we had a trip the beach to learn about sand dunes and why they are important to us.

We made a model of the sand dunes with our groups and parent helpers.

We learned how the sands are made of and learned that the dunes protect us from big waves and a habitat to bugs and other creatures that live at the dunes

Some people don´t  like them because they hide the lovely view of the beach.

People can destroy the sand  dunes by standing on it or by the waves.

We added some paths to the our sand dunes so people can walk on the path and some fences to block other rubbishes or other things not to come in and destroy.

I enjoyed making our dunes with our groups.

Here is the dunes we made.

we added the fence and the paths and plants that was on the beach and seashells too.

It was really sad to leave our sand dunes when it was time to leave.

You could make a your own sand dunes when you come to the beach too!